Seize Global Health Trends, Provide Constructive Analyses
With great enthusiasm and passion on this issue, FMPAT has devoted abundant resource to establishing a “WHO Resources Platform“ . Moreover, as the think tank which has kept close watch on WHO, FMPAT has worked tirelessly to keep abreast of priorities, and structural reforms in WHO, as well as issues regarding global health governance, with the purpose to accumulate promoting momentums in both political and public health field.
Besides, FMPAT is a long-term partner with Ministry of Health and Welfare(MOHW) and has conducted projects such as "International Health Think Tank Project(2007-2008)”,”Research Center for WHO Project(2009)”.Since 2011, FMPAT conducted “Project on Promoting Taiwan’s Participation in WHO”, which aimed to assist our government in collecting research information on WHO, drafting statements, providing policy advice and holding meetings or expert panel discussions. Apart from WHO issues, FMPAT also conducts “APEC health related working project "and other global health issues such as the impact of trade agreements on health policies and United Nation Sustainable Development Goals.